Crypto Industry Underestimates Incoming Flow of Capital Into Altcoins, Says Popular Twitter Analyst

Top crypto trader and market analyst Altcoin Pscyho told followers the industry continues to underestimate the flow of capital into altcoins while warning investors to take profits on their gains. 

In a tweet published February 8, the pseudonymous trader said investors were underplaying the boom for altcoins, predicting a flow of capital would soon begin flooding the market. 

Psycho continued, telling followers his largest altcoin holding was akash network (AKT), a project ranked out of the top two hundred by market capitalization. The trader said he expected AKT to sky-rocket into the top fifty, while providing a guide for staking the altcoin in order to earn interest. 

Psycho warned followers not to get too greedy during the current bull market, and to take profits on their gains. He said his biggest trading regrets rarely involved not putting more money into an investment. 

The popular trader echoed a tweet by CryptoMessiah claiming a number of investors would fail to capitalize on their gains over the coming months. 

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