"I have been dealing with mental health issues since I was a teen in one form or another," says Matthew Cooper. Cooper, 38, is the co-founder of Silicon Valley fintech start-up EarnUp. In August of 2020, EarnUp was thriving (managing more than $10 billion in loans) — but Cooper was […]
China wants a port on Africa’s west coast that can host subs or aircraft carriers, the head of US Africa Command says. US Army Gen. Stephen Townsend says China has approached countries stretching from Mauritania to south of Namibia about such a facility. See more stories on Insider’s business page. […]
Florida governor to sign controversial voter bill Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected Thursday to sign into law the controversial election reform legislation SB 90 — one in a series of nationwide measures opponents say are aimed at suppressing voting. Some of the legislation’s more contentious features are limits on drop boxes for hand-delivered voting, restrictions […]
Every year, the industry-backed Solar Foundation puts out a job census based on surveys of companies manufacturing, selling and installing photovoltaic panels across the country. For the past several years, the annual report has excluded how many solar workers belong to unions. “The last time we were tracking union labor, […]
The US Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division says it has “concerns” over Arizona’s 2020 election audit. The concerns were raised in a letter to state Sen. Karen Fann, a Republican. Voting rights groups last month asked the Justice Department to intervene. See more stories on Insider’s business page. The […]
Plus: A post-vaccine FAQ, a woman is arrested for allegedly starting 2018 Delta Fire, and thousands of California inmates to go free. I’m Winston Gieseke, philanthropy and special sections editor for The Desert Sun in Palm Springs, wishing you a very safe, happy and informed Cinco de Mayo. Informed? Yes. […]
Marijuana is big business. Millions of users spend billions of dollars on it every year. As it becomes legalized in more and more states — some 15 currently permit its personal purchase, possession, and use, with at least two more scheduled to join them this summer — those states will […]
Peloton shares closed Wednesday down nearly 15%, wiping $4.1 billion off its market value in one day. The decline followed the company reversing its initial decision and issuing a voluntary recall of all its treadmills. Since March 18, Peloton's market cap has shed $7.4 billion. That was the day Peloton […]
Horror fiction scares its readers, using anything from psychological thrills to creepy imagery. The horror books in this list range from Stephen King classics to modern murder mysteries. Some of our favorites include “It,” “Bird Box,” “The Exorcist,” “Dracula,” “The Shining,” and more. Great literature can introduce us to so […]
The latest production cuts from Ford due to an ongoing shortage of semiconductor chips will impact early production of its highly anticipated Bronco SUV. The downtime will not impact the Ford's plan to begin delivering the vehicles to dealers this summer, according to a company spokeswoman. Aside from Bronco, others […]
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