Tiny payments are a big deal Part 9: Micro-Influence with Nicky Nu

I haven’t got any passion for Bitcoin at all. My passion is actually for business. And it just so happens that Bitcoin is incredible for business.
Bitcoin has embarrassed the pound with micropayments.
-Nicky Nu, co-founder of Genuine Retweets
Isaac Morehouse’s ninth episode of his “Tiny Payments are a Big Deal” YouTube series featured Nicky Nu of Genuine Retweets, an evangelist of the power of micropayments for entrepreneurs.
Nu, a fitness enthusiast and professional dancer, shifted his focus several years back after discovering the wonders of micropayments using Bitcoin technology. This discovery led to the launch of Genuine Retweets, an influencer marketing platform utilizing micropayments to reward Twitter users that engage with relevant content.
Nu’s experience with marketing for TDXP exposed problems with increasing engagement numbers on Twitter, especially when it comes to bots, giveaway abuse and low-quality comments. This is where the concept for Genuine Retweets was born.
Companies that are looking to increase their engagement with potential customers on Twitter can sign up with Genuine Retweets for likes, comments and/or retweets depending on their needs and budget. Twitter users, such as myself, who are signed up with Genuine Retweets as “promoters” are rewarded with instant micropayments for engaging with content in a meaningful way.
The Genuine Retweets promoters have a choice of what they want to like, comment on, or retweet and every promotor Twitter account has been vetted by Nu himself. These are real people with real accounts who get paid instantly in micropayments to their HandCash wallet for engaging.
“There is something fun about getting a couple of bucks, cents for the things you are already doing anyway,” Morehouse said to Nu.
Morehouse pointed out that people are fatigued by SEO and key-word stuffed content taking over search engine search results and there is a yearning for “human to human trust,” the way it was before the digital economy took over.
“This is where micropayments are very cool, they allow this really interesting combination because once you put a little bit of a cost on the information or the promotion or whatever and that cost is connected to a real person in your case,” Morehouse said.
“It lets us get the best of both words. The world of data and the speed that it comes with it, but the world of humans at the same time,” he added.
Nu went on to emphasize that micropayments are “brilliant” on the internet and they never let you down. Nu said he’s not had one compliant from a single client, he’s made US$25,000 worth of micropayments—in 10 cent & 15 cent payments—to clients so far and promoters are absolutely amazed by the instant payouts.
Morehouse added that as Genuine Retweets continues to expand into niches beyond “crypto,” it allows for more people to get engaged with BSV as they must have a HandCash wallet to get paid out. Once signed up to HandCash, users can start to play around with other apps within the ecosystem, thanks to micropayments.
For all the entrepreneurs who want to learn how to take advantage of micropayments, Nu advised staying away from the big names in Bitcoin who talk super technical. Find the people who talk in plain English—like Morehouse—you don’t need to know the technicalities and could be scared off by them, he warned.
Morehouse agreed and suggested micropayments have not taken off yet as Bitcoin enthusiasts are technical and looking to make the most out of the technical ability versus solving simple problems that exists today. Micropayments are a perfect tool to solve such problems and this is what entrepreneurs should be looking at.
“You can be creative in how you use the tools, you can be creative in how you use micropayments,” Nu added.
“If you’ve got business ideas, you can be very creative in how you pay people to do stuff. And I don’t think at the moment that culture is being driven because there is a culture of ‘this is the way it has to be done,’” he said.
Nu confirmed the whole purpose behind Genuine Retweets is to give smaller businesses with smaller budgets a chance in a world of digital marketing fatigue. The same goes for “microinfluencers,” Twitter users with less followers who normally would fall under the radar.
“Bitcoin gives you a very, very significant chance in my opinion with its micropayment capabilities in today’s internet. It’s fantastic. It’s a dream come true, almost. It really is,” said Nu.
“I think in a couple of years’ time everybody will be doing it. There will be so many more entrepreneurs in many different industries we can’t even imagine paying people for many different things,” he added.
“I’ve seen a good 10, 15, 20 characters who never used to talk, who was always hidden in the background. Now they’re chatting, talking, their personality’s coming out, their sticking their chests out because they know they are part of something special and we’ve got a team and we want to help people,” said Nu.
Watch: CoinGeek New York presentation, Tweet and Send BSV via PeerSend
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