Biden State of the Union watch LIVE – Putin makes nuke threats after Russia declares war on Ukraine ahead of SOTU speech

JOE Biden is scheduled to deliver his first State of the Union address Tuesday night, not long after Putin's "propaganda chief" threatened the West with possible nuclear war.

The speech will come after news anchor Dmitry Kiselyov told viewers on Russian TV that the West would face "more than 500 nuclear warheads" if it continued to threaten Moscow, after Putin ordered his nuclear forces be put on high alert.

The speech is set to begin at 9.00pm ET on Tuesday, and can be watched on local CBS, NBC, ABC, and PBS channels as well as on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and C-SPAN.

Biden's address comes just days after Vladimir Putin and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, to which the president responded by imposing strict sanctions, and he is expected to discuss the ongoing dispute.

Meanwhile, the president's approval rating now sits at 41 percent, according to a recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey also found that six in 10 Americans believe Biden has not kept most of the promises he made on the campaign trail.

Read our Biden State of the Union live blog for the latest news and updates…

  • Jennifer Korn

    Biden may discuss America Competes Act

    “I don’t think you’re going to hear him say Build Back Better, but you are going to hear him say Competes Act instead," Izzy Klein, former communications director for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and co-founder of Klein/Johnson Group told The Hill.

    "You’ll hear him talk about that and that’s something that I think a lot of folks have been working hard to pass— on the Hill, both sides, as well as other stakeholders."

  • Jennifer Korn

    Biden revises SOTU address, continued

    A typical State of the Union address usually addresses "domestic ideas," The Washington Post noted, and the heavier focus on foreign policy in President Biden's speech this year after revisions is a departure from that.

    President Biden also plans to address "lowering costs" in relation to a 40-year high in inflation, as well as the pandemic and crime rates.

  • Jennifer Korn

    Biden revises SOTU address

    President Biden’s team has revised his first State of the Union address, according to The Washington Post.

    It has been revised "to emphasize Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine as a major crisis facing the West," the outlet noted, citing a person familiar with the text.

    "The new version will reflect the way the crisis has added urgency to his longtime theme of defending democracies," according to one adviser who spoke with the Post.

  • Jennifer Korn

    Approval ratings low

    Only 35 percent approved of President Biden’s job as president as of a February 16 Quinnipiac University poll.

    55 percent disapprove, and 9 percent didn't offer an opinion on the matter.

    The State of the Union speech has the potential to improve those numbers.

  • Jennifer Korn

    Last State of the Union

    The last State of the Union speech was given by former President Donald Trump on February 4, 2020.

    In it, he said he was "thrilled to report… that our economy is the best it has ever been."

  • Jennifer Korn

    What will President Biden say?

    While it remains unclear what President Biden will speak about specifically, many believe that he will address the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

    Although the United States has not stepped foot in Ukraine, troops have been sent out to help neighboring NATO countries.

    As for Covid, the country has seen fewer cases and the CDC has begun lifting mask guidelines in some areas.

  • Jennifer Korn

    What is a State of the Union speech?

    Each president gives a State of the Union speech.

    It is known as an annual message that is delivered to the US Congress near the beginning of each calendar year.

    During this speech, the president updates Congress and the country on the current condition of the nation.

  • Jennifer Korn

    How to watch the State of the Union

    The State of the Union address can be watched on several different TV stations.

    It should air on local CBS, NBC, ABC, and PBS channels as well as on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and C-SPAN.

  • Jennifer Korn

    When is the State of the Union?

    The speech is scheduled for Tuesday night.

    It is set to begin at 9:00pm ET

  • Jennifer Korn

    First State of the Union address

    On March 1, 2022, President Biden will deliver his first State of the Union address.

    Previously, President Biden delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress on April 28, 2021, at 9pm EST.

  • Jennifer Korn

    Florida gov rejects request for assistance

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis shared that he rejected the Biden Administration's request for the Florida National Guard to be deployed to Washington D.C. for the State of the Union address.

  • Jennifer Korn

    What is Kamala Harris' net worth?

    Kamala Harris has a reported net worth of about $1.7million.

    Her latest Senate financial disclosure says she raked in $277,763 in 2019 for book publishing advances related to her memoir released that year, The Truths We Hold.

    A significant portion of her wealth is reportedly tied to her retirement plan through the city of San Francisco.

  • Jennifer Korn

    Biden shares update on Ukraine

    "I spoke today with Allies and partners to discuss Russia’s unprovoked war on Ukraine," Biden wrote in a Twitter post.

    "We are continuing our support for the Ukrainian people as they defend their country and affirmed our readiness to keep imposing severe costs on Russia if they do not de-escalate."

  • Jennifer Korn

    Is Jen Psaki leaving the White House?

    In May 2021, Psaki confirmed she intended on leaving the White House in 2022.

    Speaking on The Axe Files podcast, Psaki said: “I think it’s going to be time for somebody else to have this job, in a year from now or about a year from now.”

    The communications expert told CNN’s David Axelrod the Biden administration was made aware of this beforehand.

  • Jennifer Korn

    Will Biden grant loan forgiveness?

    President Biden publicly stated during his campaign that he supported up to $10,000 in forgiveness.

    However, the government has not yet forgiven debt for most borrowers, and the president has not recently shared any plan for it.

    Some Democrats in Congress are pushing for up to $50,000 of loan forgiveness for borrowers.

  • Jennifer Korn

    When did Joe Biden become president?

    President Joe Biden took office on January 20, 2021.

    He is the 46th president to serve the United States.

  • Jennifer Korn

    Who is Jill Biden?

    The United States President's wife, Jill Biden, is a teacher.

    The 70-year-old first lady was born in Hammonton, NJ.

    Today, she continues to teach English full-time at a community college in Virginia.

    She married Joe Biden in 1977, and they share a daughter named Ashley, who was born in 1981.

  • Jennifer Korn

    What are the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease?

    The common symptoms of GERD include:

    • Chest pain.
    • Difficulty swallowing.
    • Regurgitation of food or sour liquid.
    • A sensation of a lump in your throat.
    • A burning sensation in your chest (heartburn)
    • Chronic cough
    • Laryngitis
    • New or worsening asthma
    • Disrupted sleep

    What is gastroesophageal reflux disease?

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common condition that is caused by acid from the stomach leaking up into the esophagus.

    It usually occurs due to the ring of muscle at the bottom of the esophagus becoming weakened.

    The disease causes people to cough and clear their throat often.

    “GERD is a disease where gastric acid flows backwards from the stomach into the esophagus and causes damage in the lining,” said Douglas Drossman, MD, founder of Drossman Gastroenterology.

    "The damage can be irritation, erosions or even ulcers. When the symptoms are prolonged, it can cause scarring and strictures.”

    When has Biden's cough raised concern?

    Biden repeatedly coughed and cleared his throat while asking Americans to "mask up" during his first 100 days in office.

    Biden also cleared his throat several times during a December 15 speech as he alluded to Trump's refusal to accept defeat.

    He was also seen coughing during his speech about the Covid variant Omicron on December 21, 2021.

    Why does President Biden cough so much?

    Biden has said that he suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is more commonly known as acid reflux.

    He was noticeably coughing during a speech on December 21, 2021 about the Omicron variant.

    • Jennifer Korn

      Did any of Biden's children serve in the military?

      Although Biden was not in the military, his late son Beau Biden was.

      Beau joined the military in 2003 and rose up the ranks to become an army major in the JAG corps – the part of the army made up of officers who are also lawyers.

      He was deployed to Iraq for a year between 2008-2009 and won a Bronze Star Medal for his service.

      Beau's brother Hunter Biden also served in the military.

      He was part of the US Naval Reserve but was discharged after testing positive for cocaine in 2014.

    • Jennifer Korn

      Did President Biden serve in the military?

      President Biden was not in the military and did not serve in any war.

      He received five student draft deferments due to medical exceptions during his time as an undergraduate at the University of Delaware, and at Syracuse University, where he studied Law.

      During a physical assessment in April 1968, he was classified as I-Y, which meant he could only be drafted in the case of a national emergency.

      During the Obama administration where Biden served as Vice President, a spokesperson said Biden didn’t serve as he was “disqualified from service because of asthma as a teenager.”

    • Jennifer Korn

      What is President Joe Biden's net worth?

      When Biden left The White House back in 2017, he only had an estimated net worth of $2.5 million.

      According to Forbes, Biden had an estimated net worth of $8 million as of June 2021.

      While Biden and his wife Jill earned $17.3 million during the four years Biden spent out of office, Forbes reported that of that amount, $7 million went to taxes, $1.3 million went to donations to charities, $180,000 went to Biden's staff, and $80,000 went toward interest on mortgages for the couples' properties.

    • Jennifer Korn

      What happened to Major?

      President Joe Biden's beloved dog, Major, got the boot from the White House following several biting incidents. 

      The German shepherd will “live in a quieter environment with family friends,” the White House announced, after the Biden’s consulted with dog trainers and veterinarians.

      Major has been involved in two biting incidents. The first one happened back in March when he “nipped” at a Secret Service agent’s hand and although the agent wasn’t injured in the incident, Major and the President’s other, late dog, Champ, were sent back to Delaware before eventually returning. 

      But Major bit another person at the White House, resulting in medical attention.

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