De Blasio has no new plan to curb surging gun violence

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Mayor Bill de Blasio sees no reason to change course in his plan to curb the surging gun violence plaguing New Yorkers — saying, “these strategies have worked for years” despite Gotham seeing its bloodiest week of 2021.

“There are so many different factors now that are going to have more and more of an impact with each passing week,” Hizzoner said at his daily virtual press conference — again blaming a slowed court system and the “perfect storm” of COVID-19.

“It takes time,” de Blasio said Tuesday. “These strategies have worked for years and years, and they are going to work again now that we are getting the life of the city back, I don’t have any doubt about it.”

The comments came a day after NYPD data revealed that 50 New Yorkers fell victim to gunplay just last week.

But a police planning insider told The Post the mayor’s strategy is wishful thinking.

“He’s praying for all these things to drop at the same time that the courts fully reopen, but that’s not going to happen,” the insider said. “He’s gonna be screwed because … the data already shows there’s not a connection.”

“He’s boxed himself into a corner.”

De Blasio has repeatedly touted the NYPD’s increased gun busts in combatting the gun violence and shifted focus to issues with the judicial system — repeating that unfounded narrative on NY1’s “Inside City Hall” Monday night.

“I really want to emphasize it’s hard to get things to work in criminal justice without a functioning court system. Thank God, it is coming back fully in the course of May,” de Blasio said.

The mayor’s claims of court slowdowns having any statistical effect on the surge in shootings have been repeatedly debunked by The Post and other outlets.

New data obtained by The Post also shows that many of the additional gun arrests in 2020 busted people who had no priors run-ins with the law — not the repeat offenders the administration has said haven’t been held accountable in the courts.

“They’ve gone after everything else then what the problem is,” the insider quipped.

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