Lawmakers request ATF nominee probe Hunter Biden gun paperwork

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A group of 22 members of Congress is demanding President Biden’s nominee for head of the ATF commit to investigating allegations that Hunter Biden lied on a background check to buy a gun.

The coalition, led by Virginia GOP Rep. Bob Good, wrote a letter to David Chipman, Biden’s pick to run the agency, who needs Senate confirmation to be installed in the position.

“All Americans should be held to the same standard of the law, regardless of who their parents are,” Good said in a statement.

“Hunter Biden’s public comments confessing to persistent illegal drug use, while owning a firearm are troubling and exposed the appalling double standard that this administration is willing to apply,” he added.

The requested investigation stems from a report last month that said the Secret Service intervened when Hunter Biden’s ex-girlfriend — his former sister-in-law, Hallie — threw his gun in a public trashcan in Delaware in 2018.

When local police started investigating the incident, Secret Service agents showed up to the store where he bought the firearm and asked to take the paperwork associated with the sale, according to the report.

The owner of the shop first refused to turn over the documents to the secret service, but eventually turned over the paper work to ATF investigators, the report states.

The paperwork shows Hunter marked “no” on the form to the question, “are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

Hunter has a long history of drug abuse issues — leading some critics to question if he lied on the form, which would be a federal felony.

The Secret Service said at the time that they have no record of their involvement in the case.

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