Sky News presenter and landlord slammed for saying young tenants 'don't know how to change a lightbulb' in 'patronising' interview
A SKY News presenter has apologised for 'patronising' young renters by claiming her own tenants 'don't know how to change a lightbulb'.
News anchor Jayne Secker, who is also a landlord, made the comment while interviewing renter Kirsty Archer, who said she had been evicted at short notice.
The interview has sparked criticism from a host of politicians and celebrities including singer Ellie Goulding.
Kirsty – who stood as a Labour councillor in the London Borough of Sutton at last year's local elections – criticised the high cost of living in London and said she would need £2,000 to move after being evicted.
The presenter responded: "That’s not the landlord’s fault though is it, that’s just the housing market isn’t it?
"And the landlord would have the same issues if you decided to move out in two months."
She went on to add: "Some would say – and I am speaking as somebody who has rented flats [and] who also rents flats out – that especially with the younger generation in terms of renters you very often find that tenants don’t really know how to do a great deal in homes.
"I, for example, have had tenants complaining that lights have popped because they don't know how to change lightbulbs.
I, for example, have had tenants complaining that lights have popped because they don't know how to change lightbulbs
"I've had tenants complain about heating and they haven't turned the boiler on. It's just very obvious things.
"Have you found amongst your friends that you perhaps aren’t equipped with all the necessary skills to rent?"
Kirsty dubbed the question “patronising” in her response.
Celebrities including Ellie Goulding were among those to attack the interview.
She wrote on Twitter: "This is pretty unacceptable… who is this presenter @SkyNews ?!"
Labour MP Laura Smith added: "As someone who has rented all my life-because guess what @SkyNews it’s tough for people to save money for a deposit whilst paying rent/bills etc-I am so disgusted at this presenters insinuation that renters just lack common sense.Try living in the real world!"
The presenter later apologised for the segment on Twitter with a message posted to her 14,600 followers.
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She wrote: "Clearly yesterday I got the tone and content of an interview wrong and it has upset many people.
"I am sure many of us will have made a mistake at work – unfortunate for me mine is a lot more public than most.
"Please be assured I have taken the many comments on board. Mea culpa."
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