Who was Uber Eats driver Mohammad Anwar?

AN UBER Eats driver was killed after two teenage girls allegedly carjacked his car and sped off causing a fatal crash.
Father-of-three Mohammad Anwar, 66, was killed after he was thrown from his car during the suspected robbery in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday.
Who was Uber Eats driver Mohammad Anwar?
The victim of the carjacking was delivery driver Mohammad Anwar, 66, of Springfield, Virginia.
He was identified by his family the following day, who said Anwar was a Pakistani immigrant, who left behind a wife, three adult children and four grandchildren.
"He was a hardworking immigrant who came to the U.S. in 2014 to build a better life for himself and his family.
"The loss for his family is immeasurable," the family said in a statement.
A GoFundme page, launched by Anwar's niece to raise funds for a traditional Islamic funeral, has raised more than $700,000 as of Monday.
Lehra Bogino wrote in the description: "Anwar was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, uncle, and friend who always provided a smile when you needed one.
"He leaves behind a family, near and far, who cherish, love, and miss him dearly.
"Words can not describe how our family is feeling currently.
"Devastation, confusion, shock, anger, heartache, and anguish are just a few that come to mind.
"We will carry him with us always, but it doesn’t take the pain away of losing him so tragically and so unexpectedly soon.
How did Mohammad Anwar die?
Mohammad Anwar, 66, was killed on Tuesday after two teenage girls allegedly carjacked his car before crashing it and ending up killing him.
Shocking footage reveals the moment the two teens, aged 13 and 15, carjacked the Honda Accord in the 1200 block of Van Street SE near the Nationals Park in Washington, DC, on Tuesday.
The 90-second clip shows Anwar struggling to regain control of his car while the two girls pushed into the car.
The car can be seen speeding off, with Anwar still clinging on.
Horrifyingly, the car can then be seen smashing into a metal fence from its left side-crushing the delivery driver between the barrier and car door.
The car can be seen flipped to its side, the two teenagers are climbing out as Anwar is lying motionless on the sidewalk.
Two National Guardsmen who were in the area removed the juvenile suspects from the overturned car and detained them until police arrived.
Anwar was rushed to the hospital with life-threatening injuries but he was pronounced dead shortly after.
The two girls who have not been named because of their age were arrested on the scene, facing felony murder and carjacking charges according to the Metropolitan Police Department.
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