80% of adults want Biden to act fast on small business aid and stimulus checks, new survey finds

  • Morning Consult poll finds that four in five Americans want Biden to prioritize small business aid and stimulus checks.
  • Respondents also indicated favorability of extending mortgage forbearance policies, increasing unemployment benefits, and raising taxes for the wealthy.
  • Treasury Secretary nominee Janet Yellen affirmed Biden's commitment to aiding small businesses in her confirmation hearing on Tuesday.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

A survey released on Tuesday found that four in five adults want President-elect Joe Biden to push small business aid and stimulus checks to the top of his agenda to ensure a quick economic recovery from the pandemic.

In the survey findings by Morning Consult — a global data intelligence company — with regards to economic priorities, small business aid topped the list, with 82% of respondents saying it should be a top priority over the next four years. Stimulus checks followed close behind at 79%, and extending mortgage forbearance policies and increasing unemployment benefits were viewed favorably, as well.

Biden has previously stated support for both small business aid and stimulus checks, with increasing stimulus checks to $2,000 marking a core component of his economic relief plan. And in Treasury Secretary nominee Janet Yellen's confirmation hearing on Tuesday, she told Congress that aiding small businesses would provide "the biggest bang for the buck," meaning that Biden's stimulus plan will not only help working families and businesses, but the economy, as well.

Higher taxes for wealthy people also received significant support from survey respondents at 65%, but more Democrats support this measure than Republicans, according to the survey. 

Biden said he plans to raise taxes for individual households earning more than $400,000 a year – an idea that that is lauded by Democrats due to its combating wealth inequality, but criticized by Republicans due to its unrealistic nature, Insider previously reported. 

With Biden's announcement of his $1.9 trillion economic stimulus package last week, Americans can expect to see conversations surrounding small business aid and stimulus relief taking place in Congress over the next few weeks.

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