Jailed Iranian Activist Narges Mohammadi Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Jailed Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi has won the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all.

Announcing the award Friday, Berit Reiss-Andersen, Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, said, “She is the symbol of what it means to be a freedom fighter in Iran”.

This year’s peace prize also recognises the hundreds of thousands of people who, in the preceding year, have demonstrated against Iran’s theocratic regime’s policies of discrimination and oppression targeting women, according to the Nobel Committee. “The motto adopted by the demonstrators – “Woman – Life – Freedom” – suitably expresses the dedication and work of Narges Mohammadi”.

Narges Mohammadi is a human rights advocate, scientist and a freedom fighter. Her brave struggle for freedom of expression and the right of independence has come with tremendous personal costs.

In May 2016, she was sentenced in Tehran to 16 years’ in jail for establishing and running “a human rights movement that campaigns for the abolition of the death penalty.”

The Islamist regime in Iran has arrested her 13 times, convicted her five times, and sentenced her to a total of 31 years in prison and 154 lashes.

The 51 year old mother of two has been banned from seeing her husband and children.

Reports say that it seems highly unlikely that Narges will be able to receive the Nobel prize anytime in the near future, as she is currently serving a lengthy sentence in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison.

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