Labor Dept. To Require Employers With 100+ Employees To Ensure Workers Are Fully Vaccinated

The U.S. Labor Department will shortly issue an emergency rule to require all employers with more than 100 employees under them, whether they work for the federal government or not, to ensure their workers are fully vaccinated or face testing at least once a week.

This Labor Department vaccination requirement will cover 100 million Americans, about two thirds of the U.S. working class.

This was announced by President Joe Biden while delivering remarks on the importance of COVID-19 vaccine requirements in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, Thursday.

He also met with public and private sector leaders who have implemented vaccination requirements.

Biden said vaccination requirements are already proving their worth.
More than 95 percent of students at colleges and universities across the country are vaccinated.

Biden said America’s largest aerospace companies — Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Northrop Grumman — all just announced plans to implement vaccination requirements.

Increased vaccination coverage results in as many as 5 million American workers going back to work, according to Biden.

“We’re also starting to see less than 19 — less COVID-19 cases in a vast majority of communities around the country. Cases are down, this past month, by 40 percent. Hospitalizations are down by 25 percent. We’re headed in the right direction if we don’t — if we keep our eye on the ball here. We still have a long way to go,” Biden said.

Biden said he tried everything in his power to get people vaccinated, but even after all those efforts, the country still had more than a quarter of people who were eligible for vaccinations but didn’t get the shot.

With 100083 new infections reporting on Thursday, the national total increased to 44,160,455, as per the latest data from Johns Hopkins University.

An additional 2392 Covid deaths took the total number of people who died due to the pandemic to 710,185.

34,479,131 people have so far recovered from the disease in the country.

As per the latest data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 186,618,184 people in the United States, or 56.2 percent of the population, have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus. This includes 83.8 percent of people above 65.

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