Stan Van Gundy on Derek Chauvin ruling: ‘Justice was done, but it’s hard to celebrate’

The news gave the NBA community some relief.

A handful of NBA players and coaches spent the past year speaking out on systemic racism both with words and actions. So, Brooklyn Nets coach Steve Nash saw the potentially positive significance that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty for second-degree and third-degree murder, as well as second-degree manslaughter for the killing of George Floyd.

“It is a small gesture of justice and possibly hope for the future that perhaps all the social justice movements – the NBA, WNBA and community at large are really making an impact whether it’s small and creating a tipping point or whether it’s large,” Nash said before Tuesday’s game against the New Orleans Pelicans. “It gives hope that the voices of many are making change and we have a better future for our kids.”

The news also gave the NBA community some pause.

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“Justice was done, but it’s hard to celebrate,” Pelicans coach Stan Van Gundy said before Tuesday’s game against the Nets. “It’s hard to celebrate because it doesn’t bring back George Floyd. We had somebody needlessly killed right in front of us. It was right in front of all of us because we could see it on video. No verdict is going to change that.”

Floyd, a Black man, died after Chauvin, who is white, kneeled on his neck for more than nine minutes on May 25, 2020. The incident was caught on cell phone video, which sparked nationwide protests surrounding systemic racism and police brutality. Some NBA players participated in those protests, spoke out on social media or started various initiatives aimed to address racial inequalities.

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