Tadeusz Rydzyk's foundations have received hundreds of thousands of zlotys from the State Forests

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Foundations connected with Tadeusz Rydzyk, the founder of Radio Maryja, among others, have received about half a million zlotys from State Forests in recent years. It was informed by KO senator Krzysztof Brejza.

Money from the State Forests for Tadeusz Rydzyk Foundation

Brejza published information, from the General Director of the State Forests Andrzej Konieczny, in response to an MP intervention on the matter. The entry shows that in the years 2015-2020, the State Forests donated about 0.5 million PLN to foundations affiliated with Tadeusz Rydzyk.

428.5 thousand zlotys were received by the Lux Veritatis Foundation, of which Tadeusz Rydzyk is president. Of this, 120 thousand is the 2017 fee for the co-organization of the scientific conference “Jeszcze Polska nie zginela – wieś”, and another 122 thousand zlotys is the price for the production and broadcast of a program about the State Forests, broadcast on TV Trwam.

Financing also went to companies such as Bonum and Spes – the latter publishes “Nasz Dziennik”, or to the Higher School of Social and Media Culture in Toruń, inter alia, for the promotion of the State Forests.

As described by TVN24, the money of the State Forests comes from “self-financing”, i.e. the forest fund, to which surpluses generated by forest inspectorates are transferred. In 2020. LP had its lowest revenue in four years, although it posted a profit of more than 500 million zloty.

In January 2021, it turned out that Rydzyk’s companies and foundations received more than 900 thousand zlotys from

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