THE DIGITAL HEALTH ECOSYSTEM: Where players across the ecosystem stand on digital transformation and what healthcare's new normal looks like

  • Healthcare incumbents have been slow to adop digital transformation, but the coronavirus pandemic forced them to accelerate.
  • The pandemic kickstarted a boom period for virtual care that is changing the way doctors and patients interact.
  • The Digital Health Ecosystem, previewed below, analyzes the future of the healthcare industry. You can purchase this report here.

Healthcare incumbents have been dragging their feet on digital transformation—but the coronavirus pandemic forced their hands to accelerate digitization and catalyzed a virtual care boom that’s changing the fabric of the entire US healthcare ecosystem for good.

Three Questions this Report Will Answer:

  • What are the key digital trends transforming the insurance, healthcare delivery, and pharmaceutical spaces, and how has this changed since last year?
  • How has the coronavirus pandemic altered digital transformation in these spaces?
  • What does the new normal look like for the US healthcare system?

KEY STAT: Telehealth was slow to take off in the US, with adoption rates hanging around 11% as of January 2020—but the coronavirus pandemic catalyzed massive uptakes in adoption, with 30% of US adults 18+ saying they used telehealth in March, per CivicScience. And consumer appetite in the tech has held strong: 36% of US consumers said they used telehealth by August.

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? In this report, Insider Intelligence will explore the current state of the healthcare ecosystem, the key trends driving digital transformation, and what we expect the new normal of healthcare to look like with the impacts of the pandemic in full swing. First, we unpack the industry’s web of stakeholders and outline how digital transformation is impacting each. Then we examine the technologies and players driving the digital health boom and posit what might come next.

Interested in getting the full report? Here’s how you can gain access:

  1. Join other Insider Intelligence clients who receive this report, along with hundreds of other Digital Health forecasts, briefings, charts, and research reports to their inboxes through the Digital Health Briefing. >> Become a Client
  2. Purchase the individual report from our store. >> Buy The Report Here

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Healthcare Explained:

Telehealth Industry
Value-Based Care
Senior Care & Assisted Living Market
Medical Devices & Wearable Tech
AI in Healthcare
Remote Patient Monitoring

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