The organization of the Mobile World Congress will require medical tests to enter the event in Barcelona

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The GSMA, the organizer of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, announced Monday details of its health plan for this year’s event in Barcelona, including the implementation of strict health checks.

These protocols, drawn up in coordination with the responsible Catalan health authorities, will include presenting a negative COVID-19 test to be able to board the plane and travel to the city from some destinations.

In addition, the GSMA has explained that all participants arriving by ground transportation, both by train and car, will be directed to the established testing centers to check their health status, as stated by Cinco Días.

On the other hand, people attending the event must present a negative rapid test valid for access to the site. This test must be repeated every 72 hours and users will receive a notification about the expiration of the test through the My MWC application.

The organization has specified that all tests will be carried out by qualified personnel in collaboration with the Catalan health authorities. For greater security, temperature controls will also be installed at all access points.

The organizer of the Mobile World Congress will have to refund 9.5 million euros if the event is cancelled.

Once inside, the GSMA has detailed that entrances and exits have been doubled to ensure social distancing and allow one-way flow to avoid unnecessary contact.

The organizers explained that medical staff and isolation rooms will be available to facilitate any necessary evaluations or tests.

The entity has specified that all interactions that were previously manual have been digitalized and that the Fira Gran Via restaurants have been redesigned to guarantee sanitary protocols.

In addition, the facilities will have a new fresh air system and external ventilation to improve airflow.

Attendees must complete a daily health questionnaire in the My MWC application, wear an FFP2 type mask, use disinfectant gel and comply with social distancing.

The event, for the first time in a hybrid format, is scheduled for late June and early July. The GSMA admits that planning it in the middle of a pandemic has been “complicated.”

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