World’s First Uniswap ($UNI) Exchange Traded Product Is Launched by Valour in Europe

Valour Uniswap, which is the latest exchange traded product (ETP) by Valour Inc. (a subsidiary of DeFi Technologies), has launched on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (in German: “Börse Frankfurt”).

On October 26, ETP issuer Valour announced the upcoming launch of Valour Uniswap (VALOUR UNISWAP – CH1114178846) on Börse Frankfurt. According to Valour, this is the first ETP for $UNI, the governance token of Ethereum-powered decentralixed exchange Uniswap.

Russell Starr, Executive Chairman & CEO of DeFi Technologies, had this to say:

This is the first ever Uniswap ETP being offered to the investing public on traditional equity exchanges. With a market capitalization of over US $16 billion, Uniswap is one of the largest and most traded defi protocols. We anticipate positive investor interest in our Uniswap ETP, which should also compound Valour’s AUM growth and create value for our shareholders.

And Valour CEO Diana Biggs stated:

The future of financial services is being built on open, interoperable protocols, and Uniswap is a fantastic example of that. At Valour, our mission is to provide investors with the opportunity to gain exposure to these areas of innovation, in particular to decentralised finance (DeFi).

Our Uniswap ETP, a world’s first, will do just that. We are encouraged by the continued growth of DeFi and are working hard to bring more products such as Valour Uniswap to market, making this important ecosystem of innovation available via mainstream investment channels.” 

The press release went on to say that “by gaining exposure to digital assets via Valour, investors benefit from the standardisation, risk reduction and operational efficiency of a centrally-cleared product listed on a regulated stock exchange.” It is worth noting that Valour ETPs are “fully backed at all times.”


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Image by Sergei Tokmakov Terms.Law from Pixabay

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