AOC lashes out at Sen. Graham for saying 'it is time to heal and move on'

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., rebuffed Sen. Lindsey Graham's call to "move on" from Wednesday's riots, arguing that the nation first needed more accountability.

Graham, R-S.C., had criticized the push to impeach President Trump as doing more harm than good. 

"As President @realDonaldTrump stated last night, it is time to heal and move on," he said. "If Speaker Pelosi pushes impeachment in the last days of the Trump presidency it will do more harm than good. I’m hopeful President-elect Biden sees the damage that would be done from such action."

"'Move on?'" Ocasio-Cortez asked on Twitter. "'Moving on' does not mean 'forget about it,' @LindseyGrahamSC. 'Moving on' requires accountability. Attacking our nation without recourse or responsibility isn’t 'moving on.' A Capitol Police officer just died. Why are you defending this?"

Just prior to the congresswoman's response, Graham had tweeted that any perpetrators should face punishment.

"Tragic news that a U.S. Capitol Police officer was killed by domestic terrorists while bravely defending our nation’s capital," he wrote.

 And in a subsequent tweet he posted: "This officer gave his life in defense of our nation, and I hope and expect that the perpetrators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

As of Friday, Ocasio-Cortez, her so-called squad of progressives, and a host of other Democrats had called for Trump's impeachment and removal from office. Some have also called to expel Sens. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and other Republicans from Congress for allegedly inciting the violence that took place.

Although Trump has lost Cabinet members and several advisers since the riots, it's unclear whether there is enough will within the administration to remove him. Vice President Pence is reportedly opposed to doing that.

In order to impeach and remove Trump, Congress would have to act quickly as he's set to leave office in less than two weeks. A resolution from Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., is expected to be introduced Monday.

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