Rubio says it was 'wise' for Biden to share intel on Putin's plans for false flag operation ahead of invasion

Marco Rubio: Under Biden, the US has waged a war on oil and natural gas

Florida Republican gives his take on Biden’s response to the Russia-Ukraine tensions on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

ORLANDO, Fla. – Sen. Marco Rubio, in an exclusive interview with Fox News, said President Biden was “wise” to share intelligence regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plans to stage false flag attacks ahead of the Ukraine invasion, saying that there is a new level of “global unity” in the wake of the Biden administration’s transparency.

“That is something we were involved in conversations on,” Rubio, the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said during an interview with Fox News on the sidelines of the Conservative Political Action Conference. “Ultimately, I think it was wise to do it. We actually encouraged it, as long as you know, we’re not compromising any sources and methods.”

Rubio said that in “this new era of hybrid warfare, information warfare is a big part of it.”

The Pentagon, Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken repeatedly warned of Russia’s plans to stage dramatic false flag attacks as a pretext for an invasion of Ukraine.

“One of Putin’s aims in all of this was to convince people in the Western world that he had actually been attacked — he was actually doing this as a defensive move,” Rubio explained.  “And the fact that that information was out there weeks in advance made it impossible for him to do it.”

Rubio added: “You’re now seeing a level of global unity in terms of condemnation of what he’s done that’s even making some of his allies uncomfortable.”

Rubio pointed to the Chinese, saying they “will not come out and celebrate,” but warned that they want Putin’s “support when they take Taiwan.”

“I think some nations are pulling some punches here because the world is inspired by the way Ukrainians are standing up for liberty and freedom at great cost and great sacrifice,” Rubio said. “And more importantly, I think they’re outraged and shocked by the brutality of this.”

He added: “I don’t know of any recent conflict that’s more black and white than this one.” 

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