Dramatic moment hero police officer runs into burning block of flats

Dramatic moment hero police officer runs into burning block of flats and rescues families and young children from inside as fire caused by cannabis farm rips through building

  • PC Spencer Lunn put his life on the line to safely evacuate residents from inside
  • The fire in Selly Oak, Birmingham, was caused by a cannabis farm inside a flat
  • PC Lunn who has been with the polcie for three years has been hailed a hero

This is the dramatic moment when a hero police officer risked his own life by running into a burning building to rescue families inside.

PC Spencer Lunn put his life on the line to safely evacuate residents as flames tore through the property.

The 26-year-old happened to be driving down Bristol Road, in Selly Oak, Birmingham, when he saw the fire bursting through the roof of flats above some shops.

He immediately got out of his vehicle and ran into the building, banging on doors to ensure everyone got out safely.

Once he spotted the fire, the officer immediately got out of his vehicle and ran into the building

Shocking video footage shows PC Lunn shouting ‘Police! Police! Fire! Everyone outside. Get out’ as he makes his way through the property

Shocking video footage shows PC Lunn shouting ‘Police! Police! Fire! Everyone outside. Get out’ as he makes his way through the property.

One resident can be heard saying: ‘I’ll get the kids, I’ve got kids upstairs’ as the officer risks his safety to clear the building.

The footage also reveals the moment he stumbled across the cause of the blaze – bin bags lining the staircase of a cannabis factory operating from one of the flats.

Hero policeman, PC Spencer Lunn, said ‘it all happened so fast and I was just operating on adrenaline’

PC Lunn then swears and exclaims ‘What’s all this?’ before calling through on his police radio ‘We have a suspected cannabis farm.’

Later, he is shown telling a colleague arriving at the scene: ‘We were literally going up, saw the flames and called it in.

‘We’ve gone round the back to try and clear all the flats out.’

Spencer, who has been with West Midlands Police for three years, said: ‘It all happened so fast and I was just operating on adrenaline.

‘I just reacted and did what I thought was right at the time as the only thing going through my mind was getting people out safely and making sure no one was trapped inside or if anyone was unaware as to what was happening.

‘The fire was popping and crackling and it really was intense as at the time.

‘I didn’t know that it had spread so quickly and when I came face-to-face with it was certainly a shock.

‘It was great teamwork from everyone, and the other agencies including West Midlands Ambulance Service and West Midlands Fire Service, and thankfully nobody was injured.’

PC Lunn is part of West Midlands Police’s Force Support Unit, which helps at crime scenes and other operations. 

His boss, Chief Inspector Imran Mirza, said: ‘This was brilliant work from Spencer.

‘He put others before himself and ran toward the danger, as our officers so often have to do.

‘His efforts on that night really embodied our values of protecting the public and helping those in need.’

An investigation to identify those behind the cannabis factory which sparked the blaze on December 9 last year continues.

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