Drunk passenger jailed for assault and trying to open plane door

Drunk easyJet passenger is jailed for 11 months after attacking his girlfriend and trying to open plane door on flight from Cyprus to Bristol

  • Alexandros Christou, 21, got drunk on bottle of whisky bought at Cyprus airport
  • He boarded flight to Bristol and rowed with his girlfriend before assaulting her
  • When the cabin crew moved his girlfriend, Christou turned ’11 out of ten angry’ 
  • He assaulted passenger and cabin crew member before trying to open the door
  • Christou admitted offences including assault, battery and reckless behaviour likely to endanger aircraft. He was jailed for 11 months at Bristol Crown Court

A drunken easyJet passenger who caused mayhem on a flight from Cyprus to Bristol has been jailed.

Alexandros Christou assaulted his girlfriend, a passenger and a flight crew member after getting drunk on whisky bought at the airport in September 2020.

Bristol Crown Court heard witnesses described him as being ’11 out of ten angry’ as he hurled vile abuse and tried to open a door on the aircraft.

The captain of the jet was so concerned that he sped up the journey and alerted Bristol air traffic control, enabling police to be scrambled to the gate.

Pictured: Alexandros Christou has been jailed after causing mayhem on a flight to Bristol

Christou, 21, of Rhydynos Street in Pontypool, pleaded guilty to battery, two common assaults, a public order offence, criminal damage, being drunk on an aircraft and reckless behaviour likely to endanger an aircraft.

Jailing Christou for 11 months, Judge James Patrick told him: ‘This was a petrifying incident for those who were involved.

‘Those who offend in this way must expect to receive a custodial sentence.’

Catherine Flint, prosecuting, said Christou and his girlfriend Sinead were returning from Cyprus to Bristol and Christou bought a bottle of whisky at the airport.

After boarding the aircraft the couple argued and he hit Sinead in her face prompting her to request a move.

Miss Flint said: ‘Mr Christou was moved to the back of the plane and it was explained to him why.

Christou was described as ’11 out of ten angry’ when he attacked his girlfriend on an easyJet flight from Cyprus to Bristol before turning on the cabin crew and attempting to open a door

‘He became very abusive and was abusive to his girlfriend in English and Greek.

‘He was absolutely enraged and was described as being 11 out of ten angry.’

The court heard Christou ignored the ‘wear seatbelt’ sign, threatened to bite a woman’s finger off and swung a bag at a cabin crew member, which missed.

He then tried to open the back door of the aircraft, uttered vile abuse including a homophobic slur in Greek, spat at a passenger, and threw soap and tissue at his girlfriend, the court heard.

Miss Flint said: ‘The captain was kept informed. He sped up the flight and communicated with air traffic control. The flight landed at Bristol and was met by police.’

The court heard Christou was arrested and tried to chew his way through handcuffs, injuring his mouth.

A judge jailed Christou for 11 months at Bristol Crown Court (pictured) after he admitted offences including being drunk on aircraft and reckless behaviour likely to endanger aircraft

He then spat blood in the police vehicle, which had to be deep cleaned at a cost of £107.

Edmund Wylde, defending, stressed that his client entered an early guilty plea to a single episode of drunken activity on the aircraft.

He told the court Christou, a capable chef, was returning to the UK after visiting his estranged father.

Arresting officer PC Adrian Chilcott said: ‘We will not tolerate abusive and aggressive behaviour onboard any aircraft and will always work with the airport and airlines to take appropriate action against disruptive passengers.’ 

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