Footage shows inmates in Russia stripped and beaten with truncheons

Inside Russia torture prison: Horrific footage shows inmates stripped and beaten with truncheons, with one left to die after savage attack

  • Two inmates are shown being stripped and savagely beaten by uniformed men
  • One of the victims is known to have died. His body was returned without organs
  • An officer involved in the beatings is reportedly known as ‘SS’ for his savageness
  • He was previously sentenced to a four year term over his abuse of prisoners 
  • A female medic is shown as being present, but she did not report the attacks 

Horrific new video footage of a Russian ‘torture jail’ has emerged, says a lawyers’ human rights group.

Two inmates are shown being stripped and savagely beaten by uniformed officers wearing military fatigues, one who is nicknamed SS for his brutality.

One of the victims is known to have died within a month of this ‘torture’, according to the Public Verdict Foundation, his body returned to his family with no organs.

Horrific new video footage of a Russian ‘torture jail’ has emerged, says a lawyers’ human rights group. Pictured: Vazha Bochorishvili, a convict who died after the beating in the penal colony, is stripped and surrounded by uniformed officers. A female medical workers is also shown

The footage shows both prisoners being brought in front of officers wearing only underpants.

In separate beatings, they are laid across tables and hit with truncheons at notorious Yaroslavl IK-1 prison.

The inmate who died after the attack was Georgian citizen Vazha Bochorishvili, who was summoned on the pretext of a body search procedure.

Against jail regulations there is a female prison doctor present – wearing a mask – and she carries an anal dilator in her hands, says the report.

She evidently did not report the abuse.

Bochorishvili opposes the search procedure complaining of problems with his digestive system.

After a dispute with officers demanding he ‘squat’, they throw him face down on a desk, and his underwear is pulled off.

Another victim known as Andrei Ivanov – not his real name – was also shown in the footage being held over a table and beaten with truncheons

Several officers held down the prisoners and others inflicted sharp blows with rubber truncheons on the legs and buttocks (pictured)

Several officers hold him down and another inflicts sharp blows with rubber truncheons on the legs and buttocks.

He screams in ‘a terrible inhuman voice’, said Novaya Gazeta newspaper which revealed the jail torture.

‘Come on, come on, stronger’, says one. ‘Enough, enough,’ begs Bochorishvili.

After the punishment, the prisoner is hauled off the table which tips over, and collapses unconscious on the floor.

He is ordered: ‘Get up! Get on your feet, Bochorishvili!’

He lies motionless on his side.

The report said the torture continued after this, although the film ends at this point.

The footage dates from April 2016 but has only been made public now.

After the beating, he was left alone in a punishment cell, but his bleeding did not stop.

He was then moved to Rybinsk hospital on May 9, and after he had died the same month, his body was returned to his relatives with ‘no internal organs’.

Sergey Efremov (pictured) former deputy of the operational department of correctional colony No. 1, was nicknamed ‘SS’ because of his brutality. He was previously sentenced to a four year term for abuse of office in punishing prisoners. This was later reduced to three and a half years

The other victim is named Andrei Ivanov, but at his own request this is not his real identity.

This victim is a Muslim inmate and he had become upset during a search when his Koran was thrown on the floor, says the report.

Surrounded by a crowd of jailers and wearing only underpants he argues to defend his rights under the penal code.

He is bundled onto the table and struck hard on the buttocks and legs with truncheons by several officers.

He screams in agony but the attack continues.

After release from prison, he required hospital treatment.

The jail’s former acting governor Dmitry Nikolaev (pictured) – in charge at the time these videos were made by prison officers – was acquitted in a previous torture case

The footage has emerged after suspended sentences were given to officers at this jail in relation to previous allegations of torture, amid claims the authorities have sought to go soft on prison brutality.

An appeal against the verdict concerning former jail staff Maxim Yablokov, Roman Onypa, and Vladislav Pisarevskyhas has been sent by the foundation to European Court of Human Rights.

In the new footage, the faces of a number of the officers are clearly visible, and there are new demands for justice.

Sergey Efremov – nicknamed SS for his habit of beating prisoners in the ears, causing deafness and disorientation – was believed to have been involved in torturing Bochorishvili, according to former inmates.

He was previously sentenced to a four year term for abuse of office in punishing prisoners. This was later reduced to three and a half years.

The jail’s former acting governor Dmitry Nikolaev – in charge at the time these videos were made by prison officers – was acquitted in a previous torture case.

Today the Investigative Committee opened a new criminal case based on the latest leaks of the videos at the Yaroslavl jail.

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