George Shultz dead – Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan who led Cold War fight dies aged 100

FORMER Secretary of state George Shultz has died at the age of 100.

He led President Ronald Reagan's efforts against the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

The Hoover Institution, of which Shultz had a chair, released a statement regarding the centenarian's death.

"One of the most consequential policymakers of all time, having served three American presidents, George P. Shultz died February 6 at age 100," it wrote.

"Remembered as one of the most influential secretaries of state in our history, Shultz was a key player," the Institution continued, citing his work with Reagan, "in changing the direction of history by using tools of diplomacy to bring the Cold War to an end."

"He knew the value of one's word, that 'trust was the coin of the realm' and stuck unwaveringly to a set of principles," the statement went on.

"This, combined with a keen intelligence, enabled him to not only imagine things thought impossible but also to bring them to fruition and forever change the course of human events."

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