Sturgeon blow as ANOTHER poll shows 53% of Scots don't want UK split

Nicola Sturgeon’s bid for independence faces crisis as ANOTHER poll shows 53% of Scots don’t want to leave the UK and SNP support slips

  • Survation poll latest to find that Scottish independence support has tumbled
  • Some 53 per cent of Scots would vote No in a fresh referendum, research found
  • SNP also faces missing out on an overall majority in Holyrood elections this week

There is more evidence that Nicola Sturgeon’s independence drive is losing ground today with just days until crucial elections.

A Survation poll found that 53 per cent would vote ‘no’ in an independence referendum – down two points on a week earlier.

Meanwhile, although the SNP is on track for a big win on ‘Super Thursday’ the party looks set to miss out on an overall majority.

Ms Sturgeon has made calling a fresh ballot on separation as early as this year the key plank of her manifesto.

She has insisted that a SNP landslide would provide a mandate for another contest, even though the last vote in 2014 was billed as ‘once in a generation’. 

However, after riding high for months, a slew of recent polls have shown backing for dividing the UK has been slipping, as Ms Sturgeon’s civil war with Alex Salmond rages. 

A Survation poll found that 53 per cent would vote ‘no’ in an independence referendum – down two points on a week earlier

Nicola Sturgeon (pictured in Kirkcudbright yesterday) has made calling a fresh ballot on separation as early as this year the key plank of her manifesto

There have been a series of other setbacks including NatWest confirming it will have to move its headquarters to England if Scotland does break away – while Ms Sturgeon has struggled to explain how she would protect critical trade with Britain. 

The research for ITV’s Good Morning Britain found Scots would reject independence by a margin of 53-47, once ‘don’t know’ responses are excluded.

SNP support was on 47 per cent for the constituency element of the elections, down three points on the previous week.

The Tories and Labour were tied in second on 21 per cent for that contest.

In the ‘list’ section of the vote, SNP backing was up two points on 37 per cent, while the Conservatives were also up two on 22 per cent and Labour was down four on 18 per cent.

Mr Salmond’s Alba Party appears to be bombing, with just 2 per cent support. 

According to Election Pollings swingometer, those figures would result in the SNP losing one seat overall compared to 2016 – short of a majority with 62 seats.

However, Ms Sturgeon’s blushes could be spared as their pro-independence partners the Greens look set to gain five more seats than they had five years ago.

Boris Johnson (pictured in Hartlepool yesterday) has insisted he will not agree to another Scottish independence referendum

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