Teaching assistant who filmed himself abusing baby jailed for 24 years

Teaching assistant, 25, who filmed himself sexually abusing baby before bragging about it online is jailed for 24 years

  • Tommy Allington subjected the infant to a sustained campaign of sexual abuse,

A teaching assistant who filmed and photographed himself sexually abusing a baby, before sharing the vile images online with other paedophiles, has been jailed for 24 years.

Tommy Allington, 25, subjected the infant to a sustained campaign of sexual abuse, assaulting and raping the child, Swansea Crown Court heard.

The horrendous ordeal only came to light after police received intelligence of indecent images to Instagram, found his secret phone hidden in the attic of his house.

Allington had downloaded more than 1,500 images of children being sexually abused. He had also shot his own videos and photos of his atrocious campaign, which allowed detectives to identify the little boy who was being harmed.

Detectives found he had uploaded the pictures of him abusing his young victim online – ‘boasting’ to likeminded people about his action.

Tommy Allington, 25, subjected the infant to a sustained campaign of sexual abuse, assaulting and raping the child, Swansea Crown Court heard

The horrendous ordeal only came to light after police received intelligence of indecent images to Instagram, found his secret phone hidden in the attic of his house. Pictured: Swansea Crown Court 

He had shared the pictures on the messaging app Telegram to fellow paedophiles and discussed the sexual abuse under the username AngelBoy.

In some of the disturbing conversations, Allington and his contacts discussed the advantages of abusing children when they are babies as they are unable to say anything or tell anyone about what was happening to them.

Detectives identified the young boy and contacted his parents. The mother identified her son as the child in the pictures and videos.

The judge gave Allington an extended sentence as a dangerous offender as she had concerns about the risk he posed to children and would continue to present once released from prison.

Prosecutor Robin Rouch said that police searched Allington’s home in the Penlan area of Swansea in April.

The search warrant came after the indecent images being uploaded were linked to the defendant.

A number of devices were seized and examined in the initial search but nothing was found on them.

It was only when the attic of the property was searched that officers uncovered a further mobile.

The prosecutor said once the defendant realised the phone in the loft had been found his demeanor changed and he became ‘flustered’.

Of the more than 1,500 indecent images uncovered, 252 were classified as Category A, showing the most extreme kinds of child abuse.

Harrowing statements of the parents of the youngster were read to the court, describing the devastating impact Allington’s abuse had caused.

They expressed concerns about what the long term impact on their son might be.

The father told of how he no longer trusts anyone and how his young son sometimes appears to go into a ‘trance’.

The child’s mother said her world had ‘fallen apart’ and the family had been destroyed by Allington.

Allington, of Heol Cadifor, Penlan, Swansea, had previously pleaded guilty to a total of 17 counts of child rape, sexual assault, causing a child to engage in sexual activity, possessing indecent images of children, distributing indecent images of children, and possessing prohibited images when he appeared in the dock for sentencing.

His offending is unconnected to his work in schools.

He had no previous convictions.

Stuart John, defending Allington, said given the facts of the offending there was little he could say by way of mitigation but he said the defendant’s guilty pleas had meant that no trial had been necessary.

He said the defendant had made ‘concerning disclosures’ to the author of the pre-sentence report but said it was to be hoped that if Allington was prepared to be open about his motivations then he might also be open to addressing those issues.

The advocate said it was accepted that a custodial sentence of many years in length was the only appropriate sentence, and he noted that a ‘level of approbation’ attaches to the offences ‘which will stay with him [the defendant] for the rest of his life’.

Judge Catherine Richards told Allington that in her view he had targeted a young and vulnerable victim would could not resist him physically nor tell anyone about what was going on.

She said it was impossible to know the full impact of his actions on the child but she noted the abuse had happened at a critical time in the youngster’s development.

The judge said she was concerned about the risks Allington posed to children and – given his age – the risks he would pose after his release from custody.

The judge decided that given everything she had read and heard about the rapist, she was sure he was a dangerous offender and that an extended sentence was necessary to protect the public.

Allington was made the subject of an extended 24 year and eight-month sentence comprising 18 years and eight months in custody followed by an extended licence period of six years.

He must serve two thirds of the custodial element of the sentence before he can apply to be released but it will be for the Parole Board to determine if he is safe to be let out.

The defendant will be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life and was made the subject of an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

Speaking after the sentencing the officer who investigated the case, South Wales Police Detective Constable Amanda Jenkins said: ‘Offences of this kind will always be shocking and disturbing, particularly when that person is in a position of trust.

‘This will undoubtedly be difficult news for the local community but please be assured that our teams and partners have safeguarded and supported all those involved in the investigation.

‘The victim’s family has shown incredible strength and courage throughout this case.’

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