Tourism chiefs and MPs hit out at 'nannying' weather warnings

Tourism chiefs and MPs hit out at ‘nannying’ weather warnings issued by forecasters amid predictions the coming days could be the hottest of the year

  • Temperatures hit 29C (84F) in some parts and they are expected to remain high

Tourism chiefs and MPs criticised ‘nannying’ warnings about the weather yesterday as summer finally arrived.

Temperatures hit 29C (84F) in some parts and they are expected to remain high and climb further, possibly beating this year’s 32.2C (90F) high, set in June.

It means sun lovers, who have been flocking to beaches and parks, will enjoy better weather than Cuba, Athens and Ibiza this week.

But the UK Health Security Agency responded by issuing an amber heat-health alert – used in situations that can potentially put the whole population at risk.

It also warned of ‘significant impacts’ on the NHS and increased rates of mortality. And it advised people to ‘stay hydrated and keep cool’. 

People enjoy the Sunshine and warm weather, Tower Bridge, Central London

Sunbathers packed the beach on Monday as they flocked to the seaside resort of Lyme Regis in Dorset

People enjoy being out on the river Cam in Cambridge yesterday morning

An aerial view of Lyme Regis today as Britons bask in an autumn heatwave

But Conservative MP Peter Bone dismissed the ‘nanny state’ tone, saying: ‘There will be a time when there is a need for a real alert because temperatures are very high. The danger is if you issue them all the time, people ignore them. They ought to be careful about issuing alerts.’

Fellow Tory Giles Watling, MP for Clacton On Sea, added: ‘Obviously for those vulnerable people in society we’ve got to say be careful but I for one welcome the Indian summer. To issue a general warning to the whole population is overplaying it.’

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Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg branded the warning ‘ridiculously overblown’, adding: ‘It isn’t for the state to tell you to put on suncream or drink water.’ Malcolm Bell, spokesman and until recently chief executive of Visit Cornwall, pointed out ‘beautiful sea breezes’ would make conditions more bearable along the coast.

He said: ‘The danger is people do the opposite when confronted by the nanny state. Just give them the facts and let them decide.’

And VisitEngland chief Patricia Yates said everyone should take ‘sensible precautions’ but urged them to use the ‘wonderful opportunity to get out and explore the outstanding tourism our country offers’.

The mini heatwave should see temperatures peak at around 32C today and tomorrow. It will also usher in uncomfortably warm ‘tropical nights’, when temperatures stay above 20C.

The UK has not recorded consecutive tropical nights in September previously.

Met Office chief meteorologist Neil Armstrong said: ‘High pressure is situated to the south-east of the UK. The highest temperatures are expected in the south and heatwave conditions are likely across England and Wales.

‘Parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland are also likely to see some high temperatures.’

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