Biden’s post-inauguration honeymoon appears to be over, new poll suggests

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A new national poll indicates that President Joe Biden’s approval rating has slipped during his first month in the White House.

Biden holds a 51% approval rating in a Monmouth University survey released on Wednesday. That’s down slightly from the 54% of Americans who gave the new president a thumbs-up in late January, days after his inauguration.

More noticeable is rise in Biden’s disapproval rating – from 30% in late January to 42% now. The rise comes as more people form an opinion of Biden – with those saying they had “no opinion” of the president plunging from 16% soon after his inauguration to 8% now.

“It’s probably not a surprise that Biden’s honeymoon period has closed quickly,” Monmouth University Polling Institute Director Patrick Murray highlighted. But Murray noted that the president maintains a net positive rating in the new poll, which was conducted Feb. 25–March 1.

An average of all of the latest national polls that measured Biden’s approval rating – compiled by Real Clear Politics – put’s the president’s numbers at 55% approval and 40% disapproval.

Ninety-one percent of Democrats questioned in the Monmouth survey approve of Biden’s performance – basically unchanged since January. Eight in 10 Republicans disapprove, a jump of 10 points from a month ago. Independents are divided – with 43% approving and 48% disapproving. That’s a switch from January, when Biden held a 47%-30% approval/disapproval rating with independents.

The Monmouth survey also points to a drop in approval for Congress.

Three in 10 surveyed give approve of the job Congress is doing, down from 35% a month ago. Disapproval jumped from 51% in January to 59% now. But Monmouth notes that the January “results were a historical high in eight years of national polling by Monmouth. While the current ratings have declined, they remain on the higher end of the range across which they have fluctuated since 2013.”

The poll also indicates that more than six in 10 Americans support the $1.9 trillion COVID stimulus and relief bill currently being considered by Congress.


The Monmouth poll used live telephone operators to question 802 adults nationwide. The survey overall sampling error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

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